The Azorina vidalii and the Vaccinium cylindraceum are two endemic plants and very simbolic from the Azores.
The first in rare in Azores with a good population in Corvo Island. The second specie is very common in the Azores and rare in Corvo Island.
Yesterday, February 24th the staff project has developed some activities with these two endemic species.
With the Vaccinium cylindraceum we are searching for a small population that has the characteristics and conditions to collect small samples to recolonize the Biological Reserve from the project with woody endemic plants. The search were conducted in the northeast of the island. No population were found. Until now, only small and isolated individuals were found and them do not have de desired characteristics. Apart from the cold that has been felt on the island, new prospection will be carried out to try to find the desired endemic :)
Biological Reserve
The Azorina vidalii were replanted in order to rescue a few numbers that will be destroyed with the work of expansion of Corvo Airport. The action of planting had the help of the students and teachers from Corvo School. Around 30 specimens were replanted on the Biological Reserve, inside the boudaries from the Corvo Natural Park and the Biosphere Reserve of Corvo. Similar actions will be carried out to rescue a few more plants.
Students planting
Studentes from Corvo School
Thank you to all for participating and the amazing dynamic of all studentes, teachers, inhabitants and the Director of the Natural Park of Corvo Island.