Tuesday, May 29, 2012

First Little sherwater of the year

Once again, the team had the opportunity to release a juvenile of little shearwater (Puffinus assimilis), which was found by a corvino. To all the corvinos which have been part in the release of juveniles, Thank you Very Much.

Have a nice trip, friend!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Corvo Human Flag in Caldeirão

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the LIFE Program and the Natura 2000 Network, SPEA has organized a human flag in the Island of Corvo.
This initiative involved 20 Corvo inhabitants and had the support of the local school and the Natural Park of Corvo.
In this Natura 2000 site, one of the most beautiful landscapes from Corvo, the participants draw a LIFE logo 20m across that turned into the number 20, to celebrate this special date and enhance the importance of these two Nature Conservation tools.
Our thanks to all involved and we are working on the film that we intend to release soon!

Monday, May 21, 2012

“International Workshop on Island Natural Restoration”

Last week LIFECorvo Project team had the pleasure and the privilege of share and exchange knowledge, with other LIFE Projects during the “International Workshop on Island Natural Restoration” at Corvo island, 14-17 of May.