Monday, October 22, 2012

SOS Cory´s Shearwater 2012

And there they are again!
Last week we started the patrols through Corvo Village to rescue Cory's shearwater, Calonectris diomedea borealis, chicks which get lost because of the lights in the village. Once again the children have been our biggest support with their dedication and motivation. We appreciate as well the help of some teachers in the patrols and also to the local people who participate in the rescues and, of course, the support of Corvo Natural Park.

So remember "Save a Cory's shearwater, make a friend".

Friday, October 19, 2012

Translocation for Conservation

Directly from the smallest island of the Azores, we are into the 16th day of the translocation of Cory`s shearwater Calonectris diomedea borealis chicks, at Corvo Biological Reserve which is protected by a pest-proof fence. This is an innovate technique done for the first time with seabirds in Portugal, and so far everything is going sucessfully - all chicks are monitored daily, and are perfectly healthy.

We are pleased to announce that one of the chicks has already fledged, and is probably following her path in the ocean, south until Brazilian and south African waters. So we just have to wait and hope that in six to eight years she, the others and the next generations will return to breed at the "Cory`s Hotel" in our reserve, which will help in their conservation.

And that is all this week from the smallest.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Migratory visitor

And because this project is not all about seabirds and every bird is important, here we have an image of a wheater, Oenanthe oenanthe which is not very commom over here but is passing by around this time of year.