Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Azorina vidalii and the Vaccinium cylindraceum are two endemic plants and very simbolic from the Azores.
The first in rare in Azores with a good population in Corvo Island. The second specie is very common in the Azores and rare in Corvo Island.
Yesterday, February 24th the staff project has developed some activities with these two endemic species.
With the Vaccinium cylindraceum we are searching for a small population that has the characteristics and conditions to collect small samples to recolonize the Biological Reserve from the project with woody endemic plants. The search were conducted in the northeast of the island. No population were found. Until now, only small and isolated individuals were found and them do not have de desired characteristics. Apart from the cold that has been felt on the island, new prospection will be carried out to try to find the desired endemic :)

Biological Reserve

The Azorina vidalii were replanted in order to rescue a few numbers that will be destroyed with the work of expansion of Corvo Airport. The action of planting had the help of the students and teachers from Corvo School. Around 30 specimens were replanted on the Biological Reserve, inside the boudaries from the Corvo Natural Park and the Biosphere Reserve of Corvo. Similar actions will be carried out to rescue a few more plants.

Students planting

Studentes from Corvo School
Thank you to all for participating and the amazing dynamic of all studentes, teachers, inhabitants and the Director of the Natural Park of Corvo Island.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Small & green

Against the forces of gravity and spending all their energy reserves, small green dots are emerging from a sterile surface, which is struggling to survive in one environment where the "luck" has led them.
Since the beginning of the year, these little green dots have emerged, one by one, here and there, creating a contrast of colors and life, covering the brown substrate of our mini greenhouse, untill better conditions will arrived.

The real greenhouse, larger and with better conditions has not yet arrived. It will be installed at Corvo School. Is still in transit on Flores Island. The sea conditions have not allowed it's transportation as well as all the supplies and goods that comes to Corvo.
These small plants will grow in a controlled environment and when they reach the suggested dimension for the specie, will be planted on our Biological Reserve. We hope that many of them will survive, as a small part will perish, due to the process of selection and adaptation of each specie. So far 230 Myrica faya and more than one thousand Erica azorica has germinated. We hope that other species, Juniperus brevifolia and Viburnum azorica, will follow the same path and contribute to diversify the species on our small nursery.

Erica azorica

Myrica faya

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Testing predators-proof fence of Corvo's Biological Reserve

As we have mentioned before, last year we began testing a fence to use around our Biological Reserve Corvo. In December 2009, the employees of the Corvos's Council built the test-fence, 6 by 3 meters.

In January we started testing the test-fence by inserting 2 wild mouses Mus musculus within the fenced area to realize whether it's able to contain this species. Was installed a camera with motion sensor (IR) to capture possible leakage.

Despite initial failures, it seems that we finally got a wild mouse-proof fence. After some design changes on the test-fence on last Wednesday, February 10, we insert again 4 individuals in the fenced area, none of which managed to cross the test-fence until today.

This step represents an important victory in the construction of a fence impenetrable by predators of seabirds.

The test has followed all animal welfare rules.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Thanks students of Corvo School for your excelent work!

The project team is a member of the Nature Club of Corvo School, which is developed by Herminhia Coelho, a professor and follower of this blog. We will carry out one activity per month with the students to keep them involved in some of the actions of the project.

The activity developed last Tuesday and Wednesday was dedicated to the study of Seabirds. Firstly, we showed them all the breeding seabirds in Corvo and theirs calls. Then, the students of the primary cycle choose a seabird to make a drawing.

The next day, we produced decoys with the students of second and third cycle at the Cultural and Environmental Interpretation Centre. The decoys will be used to attract seabirds to the Biological Reserve of the project, where have been already built more than 100 artificial nests. This action of the LIFE project aim to increase the availability of nesting sites for seabirds, in a restricted area without predators, and contribute to the conservation of their populations.

The student put a lot of work into it and you will visit the exhibition with fantastic drawings of seabirds at the Centre for Environmental Interpretation and Cultural, from today until next month.
The next activity will take place last week of February and will address the current state of Corvo as Biosphere Reserve. Our intention is the students know what Biosphere Reserve means and what are theirs consequences. The practice activity will be the presentation of ideas to improve Corvo as Biosphere Reserve. For sure you will be informed of how it goes.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ramsar Day

The package arrived... I finally arrived at Corvo last Monday reenforcing the staff team. The enthusiasm was high &also the joy of seeing many familiar faces.

After a big investment of time for instalation of the artificial nests in Vila Franca Islet, packing, shopping, produtcts, and loading gear to Corvo.

On 2th of February, SPEA was invited by the Director of the Natural Park of Corvo Island to attend the commemorative activities for World Wetlands (Ramsar Days) with the Integrated School Mouzinho da Silveira.
Students from different classes were aware of the importance of preserving these areas and made a short walk to visit the Lagoon of Corvo.
Some students, because some "downhill" in the trail down to the lagoon were wet due to high presence of water. The World Day of "WET AREAS": P

Photo: Herminia Coelho

Vila Franca Islet

The January 23th and 24th a small team took a trip to the islet of Vila Franca do Campo. The small team of 2 biologists, 2 engineers and 1 environmental educator embarked on a small expedition towards another adventure.
In this team was the visitor Steffen and technical of RSPB, two staff members from the project and 2 volunteers from S. Miguel (Thanks Andrew and Natalya - for all the help).

On this visit we had to ensure breeding conditions for the different nesting seabirds - Little Shearwater Puffinus assimilis, Storm petrel Oceanodroma castro and Cory's Shearwater Calonetris diomedea - by installing artificial nests. The first two species are more difficult to observed.
We roll up our sleeves, put the gloves, and look for hoes and shovels. Yes ... look, the desire to dig a several holes was small after loading all the material for the test site and rescue some of material from the icy water of the Atlantic. We put this bad desire by side and grabe on the shavels anda started to work.

We opened some small ditches, put the pots with holes that allow the birds to enter, we made a small sound system to attract seabirds & ...

We waited ... & Tested it...

We ended up staying overnight at the Island. The next morning, tired and eager to finish the work. By late morning we finiish 104 artificial nests and return home. The wind and swell of the sea was strong and windy.
With a blend of special ingredients from the bad luck or pure chance, the journey began for some wet and ended up soaked to all. But always with the spirit of friendship and brotherhood and grateful for this contribution to the conservation of these birds.

Thanks for the photos Steffen Oppel

Monday, February 1, 2010

It was not a Goodbye but just a kind of see you later!

This post aims to let you know that one pioneer of our project has ended her job with us. This project is only not a matter of action plans, but also important due people who are carrying it on their shoulders. Moreover, in my opinion, people should be regarded by their work as soon as they had done it and not some years later when maybe they are not able to listen to. Thus all team is thankful with Ana Catarina due her worth work done here, her cheerfulness and the good atmosphere she had left here among Corvo inhabitants.

Also we cannot forget to wish heaps of lucky to her MSc test. Believe us, You are the person into that room who knows better about your own thesis.

After you read all this words, I know you will wish to kill even been really far away. But maybe some time you can get your revenge.

An amazing fact is not only our team who will miss her. Of all compliments and expressions of affection toward Ana that I have heard by many people, it got me in the ear a sentence spoken today by the wisdom of a woman well known among us 'A girl who always came to our house without any odd purpose will always have our doors open. "

Big hug and best wishes for the future Msc... phhhhh!