We arrived in Corvo nearly one month ago, but the time has passed very quickly! The island is especially precious and we feel very comfortable.
Our work here involve different ways to search invasive plants on the island, to locate it and, if necessary, remove it to avoid the displacement of native species such as Urze Erika azorica and Cedro-do-mato Juniperus brevifolia.
To do it we use maps of the island divided into grids of 200 x 200 meters where we record patches of exotic vegetation.
Yesterday we got more than 200 Faia-da-terra Myrica faia were placed in a grid of transplants in the greenhouse.
The fieldwork is always rewarding, but also the time spent with a project team and the population of Corvo, who have been lovely since day one!
Julia Herrera e Javier Roma
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