The VII SPEA Congress of Ornithology and I Macaronesian Ornithology Days, was held in Machico, on Madeira Island, between 29 and 31 October. The event had as partners the Madeira Natural Park, the Ornithology Spanish Society and the Biosphere I Cape Verde Association, The Machico council, among others.

During this three days more than 150 interested in birds, scientists and students participated. Our team presented the preliminary results of the "Safe Islands for Seabirds" project.

We started with Sandra Hervías that presented the study of "the Cory's Shearwater breeding success and the impact of rodents and cats". Carlos Silva presented the data from "Recovery of the Vila Franca islet habitat" in São Miguel.

The event was a success, with interesting scientific data presentations, accompanied by sharing and discussion the results, which greatly stimulate the Ornithological research and the Macaronesian habitats conservation.
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